About Us

A comprehensive marketing partner

Results Speak For Themselves!

Your One-stop PR Solution

PR Shastri is the leading PR agency in Delhi NCR, catering to various industries and businesses like Ed-Tech, Fin-Tech, Health-Tech, FMCG Start-ups, Electric Vehicle, and others. We specialize in public relations, online reputation management, and more.

We are a small team of passionate, hardworking and talented people who love their work and don’t watch the clock again and again. We work with the world’s best brands to help them achieve their goals and enable their marketing efforts. We are trying to make every marketing campaign as successful as possible. We believe that success is not just about how much money you make, but how you learn and grow along the way. Creativity brings new ideas to our consumers every day and the team considers it the most important part of our work as it helps us. We are always on the lookout for new ways to do our jobs better.

who we are

Data Driven PR Agency

Startup Expertise

PR Shastri is an expert in managing investor relations and helping startups raise funds. We have extensive experience in securing funding from investors, including VCs and angel investors, as well as private equity firms and banks. Our expert team of professionals has helped startups raise more than $1 billion in funding.

Investor Relations Expertise

We have extensive experience in securing funding from investors, including VCs and angel investors, as well as private equity firms and banks.

Do you need a PR Agency?

PR Shastri has been representing companies for more than six years and we have a team of experts with the skills to handle any kind of PR assignment that comes our way. If you need a PR agency that can help you with anything from crisis management to brand management, then we're the perfect choice for you.


Why PR Shastri

PR Shastri is a highly professional PR agency that specializes in working with startups. With our expertise in investor relations, we can help you get the funding you need to grow your startup. We have a team of experienced professionals with 6 years of experience in digital PR and brand management.


Discover the people behind the success! Meet The Team and learn about their skills and experience. Get to know the people that make it all happen!

Rahul M


Ankur S


Gursharan Singh


Pradeep Mishra

Digital Consultant

Nitesh Kumar SEO

Nitesh Kumar


Leading PR Company For Startups

Our talented and experienced staff are ready to help you get the most out of your business. Get to know us and find out how our team can help you reach your goals.

Get to know our dedicated and talented team at PR Shastri and find out what makes us unique.

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