Business Communication

Key To Successful Business Communication

Effective Business Communication​ Strategy

Business Communication​ Services

Business communication is the process of exchanging information between employees, investors, shareholders or management. This works through internal communications that can later be used to promote products, services or expansion plans or simply share information with the public through external communication. Business communications can be oral, written, or electronic. With this, Startup and Investor marketing starts through Public Relations strategy.

Business Communication For Startup

Startup and Investor marketing through Public Relations

Many companies like B2B tech, B2C, C2C, and D2C startups are in talks to multiple venture capital firms for funding to their dream projects. That’s why VCs and companies need to draw attention to themselves through PR. Thus the chances of getting funds for the company are increasing and VCs can get more funding offers for their investors. Consequently, beneficial position for both parties through PR activity.

Business Communication in India

How PR Help to boost your presence?

Many B2B tech, B2C, C2C, and D2C startups and venture capital firms turn to PR services because they have a story to tell to a (general) audience that needed improvement. However, some organizations have not come forward but have been unable to do so due to the lengthy process. That’s why only 1% of startups make it to the next Uber, Airbnb, Slack, or Stripe, as suggested by the data reports. Also, you can see some venture capital firms everywhere trying to get money from investors and invest in just a few growing companies. Let PR Shastri handle it. Be among the 1 percent.

How Public Relations Works

There are several ways to access PR activities to promote a Startup and VCs through interviews, articles, and press releases. But only pitching brand-specific stories and with a thought-leadership approach and 24/7 availability will work. nothing else. Many Startups think they are offering best products or solving people’s problems. So trust your Startup with PR Shastri. As PR Shastri knows how to feed.

Grow Your Brand Identity By PR Strategy

The word strategy is as complex as it sounds. Needs and outcomes will always vary from person to person, company to company, and market to market and VC to VC. That is why The process is simple but tedious and amazing.

  • From enhancing your professional standing to enhancing your brand identity.
  • Increase your brand reputation to expose your Startup to more potential investors.
  • Increase enthusiasm for your VCs or service and help you gain market share.
  • With a focus on investors, winning customers, bringing in the right talent and more.
  • Build and tailor-made right communication package for your startup.
Top Business Communication Companies

Funding Rounds

If you have raised a Series A for your company or have a VC funded your company. That means VCs aren’t the only ones looking for products that solve market problems. They are also investing in your story, vision, experience, discipline, market presentation and internet voice. For this case, you need a credible source who develops trust in you through your PR activities. 

This is where PR Shastri excels and gives new heights to organisation.
Imagine having your Series B ready a year or two after your Series A, and not using PR services to share your ideas with investors and audiences. Because they are unlikely to be able to read or understand anything about your vision and experience in the industry. 

Business Communication Services

Unrealistic Expectations in PR

Many B2B Tech, B2C, C2C, D2C startups and venture capital firms are turning to PR agencies to achieve their business goals, but are unable to do so as PR is a long-term investment with low returns.  Also, PR works through earned media and not through paid media. This is the reason why B2B tech, B2C, C2C and D2C startups and venture capital firms do not get media coverage as they want to become famous overnight. It takes time to build the foundation of the press. Whether you’re building an in-house PR team or hiring a company, always remember that.

To-do list for startups and VCs

VCs and startups can host workshops, roundtables with other industry leaders, hackathons, or customer appreciation events. Not only does it help businesses reach more customers on their agenda and existing communities, but it also allows them to meet potential new customers and employees. Also, people expect their CEOs and other partners to be good advocates for them. If you feel uncomfortable, join us at PR Shastri. It doesn’t matter because you can solve it with a lot of practice and practice.

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“Elevate your brand’s story with PR Shastri – Your trusted PR partner”


How are startups failing despite funding?

Many companies raise money easily, but they don’t invest wisely in multiple funnels like PR, so they get nothing. So spending money on PR puts investors at ease as many decisions are reflected in multiple stories.

Why are VCs not happy with startups in India?

Venture capitalists invest in innovative investors by  reading news articles and other things. But when startups raise funds, they stop doing PR activity which becomes a problem for VCs later as they are unable to understand the internal operations and their decisions for expansion plans.

Get Exclusive Business Communication​ Services

Our  exclusive services can provide a range of services, including risk assessment, communication and media planning, crisis response planning, and post-crisis evaluation.

Do you have any queries or doubts? Ask our specialists via the chat window right away.

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